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Onward to 2005, BGCT!
By Ophelia Humphrey
first vice-president, BGCT, 1995

As attainment of our Texas 2000 goals is being evaluated, I dare to dream new/old dreams for the next 5 years:

1. That the years to 2005 will find the BGCT continuing to be blessed with its heritage of wise and Godly leadership, dedicated to assisting the churches, not governing the churches;

2. That each church related to the BGCT will have been so committed to “equipping the saints” that we “…all have reached unity in the faith…and become mature…” (Ephesians 4:12-13);

3. That each Baptist family is committed to living the words of Jesus in Mark 12:31 “love your neighbor as yourself…” in such depth that their neighbors can say: “Those folk are treasures of the community;”

4. That Baptists—individually and corporately— will have grown so in living the values system of scripture that we are once again able to trust each other and work harmoniously (if not cooperatively) being God’s people doing God’s work;

5. “Since there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female…you are all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28), I dare to dream that each of us will be completely free from man-made interpretations and restrictions which limit our individual response to God’s call and hinder our freedom to exercise the Spirit's’s gifts in our lives;

6. That we may ever be mindful of God’s good gift of laughter to help us see ourselves as we really are, even as it reminds us of things we would rather not face. While I may not recall the name of the author or the singer of the following, I well remember how humor has frequently led me to conviction and contrition.

I sit on Sunday morning
with my Righteousness in place, But I don’t have to
worry ’cause I’ll never fall from grace
because (Chorus) I’m Baptist to the bone.
I’m Baptist to the bone.
I may be living in the flesh, but you know I’m Baptist to the bone.
I listen to some sermons and I think that I am blessed.
But I don’t preach a one until I know they’re Broadman Press because
(Chorus) I’m Baptist to the bone.
I’m Baptist to the bone.
I may be living in the flesh, but you know I’m Baptist to the bone.

September 1999