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The following are responses to the vote of the BGCT meeting in El Paso on affirming the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message as a "unifying statement of our common faith and practice."

Paige Patterson, president of the SBC:

"I am grateful that the BGCT leadership has made crystal clear for the sake of Texas Baptist churches where they stand on family and church issues. Not it is up to the churches to decide with whom they agree _ with a liberal, culturally acceptable view of family and church, or with a Christ-honoring, Bible-believing perspective."

Richard Land, president of the SBC's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission:

"Let it be clearly understood that Dr. Glazener and those who support him in the intent of the BGCT's motion have a disagreement with the Apostle Paul, not merely with the Southern Baptist Convention. As for me and my house, we are going to stick with the Apostle Paul."

R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.:

"The motion adopted by the BGCT is an intentional rejection of a clear teaching of the Bible." He added, "Their problem is not with the SBC. It's with the Apostle Paul."

December 1999